AuthorHouse UK Presents - How to Use Pearltrees

AuthorHouse UK Presents: How to Use Pearltrees

If you’re an author, you should be aware how to spread the virality of the marketing of your book aside from merely using social media profiles like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. One of the alternatives is the use of social media curation tools such as PEARLTREES.

Pearltrees has a playful graphical user interface which may be a bit confusing at first look but once you get the hang of using it, manipulation will be easy. SEO-wise, it will index your website, social media profiles, and any other related links to your book on Google and other search engines.


Tips on How Pearltrees Work:

  • To create a new account, go to and fill-out the needed information. Alternatively, you can also connect your Facebook and Twitter account upon registration.
  • Install the Pearler – An extension in your browser that helps you save websites under your account.
  • Have a quick tour in Pearltrees using the slides that show up to familiarise yourself with the various Pearltrees functions.
  • If you are in your account dashboard, you can search for interesting articles using the search bar at the upper right side of your dashboard. Once you find the pearl you can ‘pick’ any pearl that interests you by clicking on them and click ‘pick this pearl’ in the control box that appears
  • If you want to pearl your own URL, click the blue/white star button in your browser and click the appropriate topic name that the pearl belongs. Alternatively, you can pearl any website under your “drop zone” if you are unsure on what topic does the site belongs.
  • For a more complete tutorial on how to use Pearltrees effectively, you can refer to these blogs:

If you want to see an example of how a Pearltrees account is set-up, click here.